About My Practice
Welcome to my practice, a place where you can find the best psychiatric care for you and your family. I am a board certified child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist, and I specialize in providing up to date, evidence based, individualized, supportive, and collaborative care. I am dedicated to helping my patients understand their mental health and providing them with the resources they need to make positive changes in their lives. My practice is informed by many years of clinical experience. I am also an associate professor at Wayne State University School of Medicine and associate program director for the adult psychiatry residency at Henry Ford Hospital.
Additionally, I am a sports psychiatrist with extensive experience working with athletes of all levels. I am currently the team psychiatrist for the Detroit Lions, Detroit Tigers, and Detroit Pistons. My clinical experience includes treating high school, collegiate, Olympic, professional, and retired athletes. I am dedicated to helping athletes achieve their highest potential in both their sport and personal life. Whether you’re looking to take your game to the next level or resolve any mental or emotional issues that may be affecting you, I’m here to help.

Areas of Specialization
ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder that is present in both children and adults. When untreated, it can lead to impairment in academics, work, relationships, friendships, athletics, social engagement, and more. When most people think of ADHD, they think of focusing problems. For people living with ADHD, it means a lot more. There are many reasons for inattention and a comprehensive evaluation is required to determine if the reason for the inattention is ADHD or better explained by something else.
Behavior Concerns
Disruptive behavior disorders including oppositional defiant disorder are the most common reason for child psychiatry evaluations. They can be a stand alone issue or due to an underlying psychiatric disorder. Treatment is often behavioral but can include medications if there are co-occurring psychiatric disorders.
Anxiety and OCD
Anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and separation anxiety disorder. These are commonly occurring disorders in children and adults. Proper evaluation can reveal primary and co-occurring anxiety disorders and the best course of treatment. Obsessive compulsive disorder is a unique disorder that can mimic multiple psychiatric disorders. It is often missed on evaluations or misdiagnosed as a different psychiatric disorder. Due to unique treatment requirements, accurate diagnosis is vital.
Men's Health
Men's mental health differs from women's mental health in different ways at different stages of life. Transitions from childhood to adolescence, adolescence to young adulthood, young adulthood to middle age, single to married, becoming a first time father, and more all challenge the male psyche in specific ways. Understanding these changes and the challenges they bring can help orient the mind to make skillful changes for the future.
Autism and ID
Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can lead to impairment in social interactions and communication. Intellectual disability is a form of disability which results in limited cognitive ability. Both disorders can present with behavioral problems. Co-occurring disorders can at times make the diagnosis difficult. Treatment starts with accurate diagnosis, proper workup, and referrals to other specialities that can help. Sometimes medications can help but are not always needed.
Sports Psychiatry
Sports psychiatry is the field of psychiatry that focuses on the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric illness in athletes. Vital to an athlete evaluation is an intimate understanding of the athlete mind, sport, rules, and culture of the sport on and off the field.